Humberto M. Cravioto, MD

Pathology New York University, New York, NY, United States 
"Humberto Cravioto"

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Jun Yoshida post-doc 1976-1977 NYU
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Pietronigro D, Drnovsky F, Cravioto H, et al. (2003) DTI-015 produces cures in T9 gliosarcoma. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.). 5: 17-22
Schiffer D, Cravioto H, Giordana MT, et al. (1993) Is polar spongioblastoma a tumor entity? Journal of Neurosurgery. 78: 587-91
Schiffer D, Chiò A, Cravioto H, et al. (1991) Ependymoma: internal correlations among pathological signs: the anaplastic variant. Neurosurgery. 29: 206-10
Cohen AR, Pietronigro DD, Cravioto H, et al. (1986) Effect of difluoromethylornithine on the antiglioma therapeutic efficacy of intra-arterial BCNU Journal of Neurosurgery. 65: 671-678
Kida Y, Cravioto H. (1985) Comparative study of chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy of established experimental brain tumors Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica. 25: 515-521
Shibuya N, Hochgeschwender U, Kida Y, et al. (1984) Immunity to transplantable nitrosourea-induced neurogenic tumors. III. Systemic adoptive transfer of immunity Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 43: 426-438
Volkow N, Goldman SS, Flamm ES, et al. (1983) Labeled putrescine as a probe in brain tumors Science. 221: 673-675
Kida Y, Cravioto H, Hochwald GM, et al. (1983) Immunity to transplantable nitrosourea-induced neurogenic tumors. II. Immunoprophylaxis of tumors of the brain. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 42: 122-35
Cravioto HM, Hochwald GM, Ransohoff J. (1982) A study of reactions to Corynebacterium parvum (C. parvum) in the brain and dermis of the rat. Acta Neuropathologica. 56: 35-44
Pfreundschuh M, Cravioto H, Hochwald G, et al. (1982) Serologic analysis of nitrosourea-induced rat gliomas. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 68: 501-5
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