Theresa A. Kruczek
Affiliations: | Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services | Ball State University, Muncie, IN, United States |
Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family StudiesGoogle:
"Theresa Kruczek"Mean distance: 17811
Sign in to add traineeHeather K. Klein | grad student | 2005 | Ball State University |
Kathleen M. Duffy | grad student | 2008 | Ball State University |
Trent Barstad | grad student | 2009 | Ball State University |
Patricia S. Groff | grad student | 2012 | Ball State University |
Gerald J. Novack | grad student | 2012 | Ball State University |
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Kruczek T, Geesa RL, Mayes RD, et al. (2022) School Counselor and Administrator Perceptions of Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Professional School Counseling. 26: 2156759X221134661 |
Burkard AW, Kruczek T, Alexander CM. (2020) School Counseling and Counseling Psychology Collaboration: A Cautionary Tale: The Counseling Psychologist. 48: 738-767 |
Kruczek T, Salsman J. (2006) Prevention and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in the school setting Psychology in the Schools. 43: 461-470 |
Davis AS, Kruczek T, Mcintosh DE. (2006) Understanding and treating psychopathology in schools: Introduction to the special issue Psychology in the Schools. 43: 413-417 |
Kruczek T, Alexander CM, Harris K. (2005) An After-School Counseling Program for High-Risk Middle School Students: Professional School Counseling. 9: 160-163 |
Alexander CM, Kruczek T, Ponterotto JG. (2005) Building Multicultural Competencies in School Counselor Trainees: An International Immersion Experience Counselor Education and Supervision. 44: 255-266 |