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Martin Lotze

Diagnostic Radiology and Neuroradiology, University of Greifswald Functional Imaging Center, Gahanna, OH, United States 
motor, rehabilitation, emotion, music, pain, imagery
"Martin Lotze"

1986-1992: Scientific work on circadian changes in the visual and auditory system at the Institute of Ernst Pöppel in the group of Till Roenneberg, Behavioral Neurobiology Munich, Germany

1996: Start of scientific work in Tübingen at the Section of Exp. NMR CNS; University of Tübingen: work in reorganization of the motor system evaluated with fMRI

1998-2001: Motor learning and reorganization; Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology; director: Niels Birbaumer/ University of Tübingen, Germany

1999: Training time at the National Institute of Health, NINDS; Cortical Physiology Section (L.G. Cohen) for transcranial magnetic stimulation

2002-2006: Emotion Research at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology; chief: Niels Birbaumer/ University of Tübingen, Germany

2003: Habilitation for Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen, Germany. Topic of the work: „Cortical reorganization and Motor Learning“

2006: Full Professor University of Greifswald, Functional Imaging Group
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Mean distance: 13.58 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: SPRtree

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Pfannmöller J, Strauss S, Langner I, et al. (2019) Investigations on maladaptive plasticity in the sensorimotor cortex of unilateral upper limb CRPS I patients. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
Strauss S, Lotze M, Flöel A, et al. (2019) Changes in Interhemispheric Motor Connectivity Across the Lifespan: A Combined TMS and DTI Study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 11: 12
Hahm S, Lotze M, Domin M, et al. (2019) The association of health-related quality of life and cerebral gray matter volume in the context of aging: A voxel-based morphometry study with a general population sample. Neuroimage
Domin M, Lotze M. (2019) Parcellation of motor cortex-associated regions in the human corpus callosum on the basis of Human Connectome Project data. Brain Structure & Function
Lotze M, Domin M, Gerlach FH, et al. (2019) Novel findings from 2,838 Adult Brains on Sex Differences in Gray Matter Brain Volume. Scientific Reports. 9: 1671
Kohler M, Strauss S, Horn U, et al. (2019) Differences in neuronal representation of mental rotation in CRPS patients and healthy controls. The Journal of Pain : Official Journal of the American Pain Society
Lotze M, Ladda AM, Stephan KM. (2019) Cerebral Plasticity as the Basis for Upper Limb Recovery following Brain Damage. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
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