Noelle A. Rohen, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL |
Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Noelle Rohen"Mean distance: 14248.8
Sign in to add mentorForrest R. Scogin | grad student | 2002 | University of Alabama | |
(Analysis of efficacy and mediators of outcome in minimal -contact cognitive bibliotherapy used in the treatment of depressive symptoms.) |
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Yon A, Scogin F, DiNapoli EA, et al. (2014) Do manualized treatments for depression reduce insomnia symptoms? Journal of Clinical Psychology. 70: 616-30 |
Floyd M, Rohen N, Shackelford JA, et al. (2006) Two-year follow-up of bibliotherapy and individual cognitive therapy for depressed older adults. Behavior Modification. 30: 281-94 |
Scogin F, Shackelford J, Rohen N, et al. (2001) Residual Geriatric Depression Symptoms: A Place for Psychotherapy Journal of Clinical Geropsychology. 7: 271-283 |