Alicia A. Caputo, Ph.D.

2000 The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 
Clinical Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Law
"Alicia Caputo"
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Stanley L. Brodsky grad student 2000 University of Alabama
 (Community notification laws for sex offenders: Possible mediators and moderators of citizen coping.)
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Caputo AA, Brodsky SL. (2004) Citizen coping with community notification of released sex offenders. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 22: 239-52
Varela JG, Boccaccini MT, Scogin F, et al. (2004) Personality testing in law enforcement employment settings: A meta-analytic review Criminal Justice and Behavior. 31: 649-675
Caputo AA, Brodsky SL, Kemp S. (2000) Understandings and experiences of cruelty: an exploratory report. The Journal of Social Psychology. 140: 649-60
CAPUTO AA, FRICK PJ, BRODSKY SL. (1999) Family Violence and Juvenile Sex Offending Criminal Justice and Behavior. 26: 338-356
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