Jennifer L. Hardesty, Ph.D.

2001 University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
Individual and Family Studies
"Jennifer Hardesty"


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Lawrence Ganong grad student 2001 University of Missouri - Columbia
 ("I just can't get him out of my life!" Co -parenting after divorce with an abusive former husband.)
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Barrios VR, Khaw LBL, Bermea A, et al. (2020) Future Directions in Intimate Partner Violence Research: An Intersectionality Framework for Analyzing Women's Processes of Leaving Abusive Relationships. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260519900939
Maniotes CR, Ogolsky BG, Hardesty JL. (2020) Destination marriage? The diagnostic role of rituals in dating relationships: Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 26540752095216
Hardesty JL, Ogolsky BG. (2020) A Socioecological Perspective on Intimate Partner Violence Research: A Decade in Review Journal of Marriage and Family. 82: 454-477
Hardesty JL, Haselschwerdt ML, Crossman KA. (2019) Qualitative Research on Interpersonal Violence: Guidance for Early Career Scholars. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 34: 4794-4816
Hardesty JL, Ogolsky BG, Raffaelli M, et al. (2019) Relationship dynamics and divorcing mothers’ adjustment: Moderating role of marital violence, negative life events, and social support: Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 36: 3651-3672
Khaw L, Bermea AM, Hardesty JL, et al. (2018) "The System Had Choked Me Too": Abused Mothers' Perceptions of the Custody Determination Process That Resulted in Negative Custody Outcomes. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260518791226
Bermea AM, Khaw L, Hardesty JL, et al. (2017) Mental and Active Preparation: Examining Variations in Women's Processes of Preparing to Leave Abusive Relationships. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260517692332
Hardesty JL, Ogolsky BG, Raffaelli M, et al. (2017) Coparenting relationship trajectories: Marital violence linked to change and variability after separation. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 31: 844-854
Haselschwerdt ML, Hardesty JL. (2017) Managing Secrecy and Disclosure of Domestic Violence in Affluent Communities Journal of Marriage and Family. 79: 556-570
Hardesty JL, Crossman KA, Khaw L, et al. (2016) Marital Violence and Coparenting Quality After Separation. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43)
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