Francis E. Lentz

School Psychology University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 
Mathematics Education, Technology of Education, Secondary Education
"Francis Lentz"
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McKissick C, Hawkins RO, Lentz FE, et al. (2010) Randomizing multiple contingency components to decrease disruptive behaviors and increase student engagement in an urban second-grade classroom Psychology in the Schools. 47: 944-959
Barnett DW, Bell SH, Gilkey CM, et al. (1999) The promise of meaningful eligibility determination: Functional intervention-based multifactored preschool evaluation Journal of Special Education. 33: 112-124
Barnett DW, Lentz FE, Bauer AM, et al. (1997) Ecological Foundations of Early Intervention Planned Activities and Strategic Sampling Journal of Special Education. 30: 471-490
Lentz FE, Allen SJ, Ehrhardt KE. (1996) The Conceptual Elements of Strong Interventions in School Settings. School Psychology Quarterly. 11: 118-136
Shapiro ES, Lentz FE. (1991) Vocational-Technical Programs: Follow-up of Students with Learning Disabilities Exceptional Children. 58: 47-59
Browder D, Lentz FE, Knoster T, et al. (1988) Determining Extended School Year Eligibility: From Esoteric to Explicit Criteria Journal of the Association For Persons With Severe Handicaps. 13: 235-243
Lentz FE, Shapiro E. (1987) Training behavioral school psychologists: Development of a model. Professional School Psychology. 2: 181-190
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