Louise Belanger, Ph.D.

2013 Nursing Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
Nursing, Health Education
"Louise Belanger"


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Johanne Goudreau grad student 2013 Université de Montréal
 (Mise a l'essai et evaluation qualitative d'une intervention inspiree de la pedagogie narrative destinee aux infirmieres soignant des personnes agees en etat confusionnel aigu.)
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Bélanger L, Porlier MJ. (2017) Narrative pedagogy in nursing sciences : learning activities and challenges Recherche En Soins Infirmiers. 129: 52-59
Bélanger L, Bourbonnais A, Bernier R, et al. (2016) Communication between nurses and family caregivers of hospitalized older persons: a literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing
Bélanger L, Ducharme F. (2015) Narrative-based educational nursing intervention for managing hospitalized older adults at risk for delirium: field testing and qualitative evaluation. Geriatric Nursing (New York, N.Y.). 36: 40-6
Bélanger L, Goudreau J, Ducharme F. (2014) [A socioconstructivist and humanistic approach to continuing education nurses caring for people with complex needs]. Recherche En Soins Infirmiers. 118: 17-25
Bélanger L, Ducharme F. (2012) Toward the development of a nursing practice for older persons with acute confusional state (ACS). International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. 9
Bélanger L, Ducharme F. (2011) Patients' and nurses' experiences of delirium: a review of qualitative studies. Nursing in Critical Care. 16: 303-15
Bélanger L, Coulombe R, Wanis L, et al. (2009) [Acute confusion. Program for nurses based on caring]. Perspective InfirmièRe : Revue Officielle De L'Ordre Des InfirmièRes Et Infirmiers Du QuéBec. 6: 28-32
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