John Forsyth

Psychology-Clinical State University of New York, Albany, Albany, NY, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Mental Health
"John Forsyth"
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Christopher R Berghoff grad student
Tim R. Ritzert grad student SUNY Albany
Eric D. Tifft grad student 2017- SUNY Albany
Shannon B. Underwood grad student 2018- SUNY Albany
Max Z Roberts grad student 2019- SUNY Albany
Maria Karekla grad student 2004 SUNY Albany
Megan M. Kelly grad student 2005 SUNY Albany
Dean T. Acheson grad student 2009 SUNY Albany
Velma Barrios grad student 2010 SUNY Albany
Erica B. Moses grad student 2011 SUNY Albany
Sean C. Sheppard grad student 2012 SUNY Albany
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Tifft ED, Underwood SB, Roberts MZ, et al. (2022) Using meditation in a control vs. acceptance context: A preliminary evaluation of relations with anxiety, depression, and indices of well-being. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Ritzert TR, Berghoff CR, Tifft ED, et al. (2019) Evaluating ACT Processes in Relation to Outcome in Self-Help Treatment for Anxiety-Related Problems. Behavior Modification. 145445519855616
Berghoff CR, Forsyth JP, Ritzert TR, et al. (2018) Evaluation of the contribution of values clarification to a brief mindfulness meditation intervention for anxiety. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Berghoff CR, Ritzert TR, Forsyth JP. (2018) Value-guided action: Within-day and lagged relations of experiential avoidance, mindful awareness, and cognitive fusion in a non-clinical sample Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. 10: 19-23
Berghoff CR, Wheeless LE, Ritzert TR, et al. (2017) Mindfulness Meditation Adherence in a College Sample: Comparison of a 10-Min Versus 20-Min 2-Week Daily Practice Mindfulness. 8: 1513-1521
Ritzert TR, Forsyth JP, Sheppard SC, et al. (2016) Evaluating the Effectiveness of ACT for Anxiety Disorders in a Self-Help Context: Outcomes From a Randomized Wait-List Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy. 47: 444-59
Kelly MM, Sido H, Forsyth JP, et al. (2015) Acceptance and commitment therapy smoking cessation treatment for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot study. Journal of Dual Diagnosis. 11: 50-5
Ritzert TR, Forsyth JP, Berghoff CR, et al. (2015) The impact of a cognitive defusion intervention on behavioral and psychological flexibility: An experimental evaluation in a spider fearful non-clinical sample Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. 4: 112-120
Valdivia-Salas S, Forsyth JP, Berghoff CR, et al. (2014) Using panicogenic inhalations of carbon dioxide enriched air to induce attentional bias for threat: Implications for the development of anxiety disorders. Cognition & Emotion. 28: 1474-82
Berghoff CR, Forsyth JP, Ritzert TR, et al. (2014) Comparing paths to quality of life: Contributions of ACT and cognitive therapy intervention targets in two highly anxious samples Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. 3: 89-97
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