Lara Mayeux
Affiliations: | Department of Psychology | University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States |
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O'Mealey M, Mayeux L. (2021) Similarities and Differences in Popular Peers in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood. The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 183: 152-168 |
Kleiser M, Mayeux L. (2020) Popularity and Gender Prototypicality: An Experimental Approach. Journal of Youth and Adolescence |
Wright LS, Maness S, Branscum P, et al. (2019) Pastors' Perceptions of the Black Church's Role in Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Health Promotion Practice. 1524839919834269 |
Mayeux L, Kleiser M. (2019) A Gender Prototypicality Theory of Adolescent Peer Popularity Adolescent Research Review. 5: 295-306 |
Kraft C, Mayeux L. (2018) Associations Among Friendship Jealousy, Peer Status, and Relational Aggression in Early Adolescence: Journal of Early Adolescence. 38: 385-407 |
Mayeux L, Kraft C. (2018) Social goals moderate the associations between peer status and behavior in middle school Social Development. 27: 699-714 |
Mayeux L, Kraft C. (2017) Logistical Challenges and Opportunities for Conducting Peer Nomination Research in Schools. New Directions For Child and Adolescent Development. 2017: 45-59 |
Dyches KD, Mayeux L. (2015) Popularity and Resource Control Goals as Predictors of Adolescent Indirect Aggression. The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 176: 253-9 |
Houser JJ, Mayeux L, Cross C. (2015) Peer status and aggression as predictors of dating popularity in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 44: 683-95 |
Brown RP, Imura M, Mayeux L. (2014) Honor and the Stigma of Mental Healthcare. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 40: 1119-1131 |