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Augustine Esogbue grad student 1971 Case Western (Econometree)
 (Optimal scheduling of one-shot projects)


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Harold P. Benson grad student 1976 Northwestern (MathTree)
Theodore B. Trafalis grad student 1989 Purdue
William J. Giffen grad student 2004 Purdue
Anantha S. Sundararajan grad student 2011 Purdue
Shaunak S. Dabadghao grad student 2014 Purdue
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Vaziri B, Dabadghao SS, Yih Y, et al. (2020) Crowd-ranking: a Markov-based method for ranking alternatives Operational Research. 20: 279-295
Vaziri B, Dabadghao SS, Yih Y, et al. (2018) Properties of sports ranking methods Journal of the Operational Research Society. 69: 776-787
Kang Z, Morin T. (2016) Multi-Attribute Decision Making in a Bidding Game with Imperfect Information and Uncertainty International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. 15: 63-81
Irfan M, Khurshid MB, Bai Q, et al. (2012) Establishing optimal project-level strategies for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation - A framework and case study Engineering Optimization. 44: 565-589
Morin TL, Dabadghao SS. (2012) Proof of the perpetuity equation Applied Mathematics Letters. 25: 2116-2117
Patidar V, Labi S, Morin T, et al. (2011) Evaluating methods and algorithms for multicriteria bridge management at the network level Transportation Research Record. 38-47
Huang PH, Lawley M, Morin T. (2011) Tight bounds for periodicity theorems on the unbounded Knapsack problem European Journal of Operational Research. 215: 319-324
Trafalis TB, Morin TL. (2001) A differential dynamic programming algorithm for differential games Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 22: 17-36
Benjaafar S, Morin TL, Talavage JJ. (1995) The strategic value of flexibility in sequential decision making European Journal of Operational Research. 82: 438-457
Kudva GK, Morin TL, Pekny JF. (1994) A branch-and-cut algorithm for vehicle routing problems Annals of Operations Research. 50: 37-59
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