Richard A. Wise, Ph.D.

2003 The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 
General Psychology, Law
"Richard Wise"
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Martin A. Safer grad student 2003 Catholic University
 (A survey of judges' knowledge of eyewitness testimony.)
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Wise RA, Kehn A. (2020) Can the effectiveness of eyewitness expert testimony be improved? Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law : An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. 27: 315-330
Mourtgos SM, Mayer RC, Wise RA, et al. (2019) The Overlooked Perspective of Police Trust in the Public: Measurement and Effects on Police Job Behaviors Criminal Justice Policy Review. 31: 639-672
Mourtgos SM, Wise RA, Petros T. (2018) The consequences of restricting police arrest authority: less deterrence and more crime Policing: An International Journal. 41: 233-246
Safer MA, Murphy RP, Wise RA, et al. (2016) Educating jurors about eyewitness testimony in criminal cases with circumstantial and forensic evidence. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
Wechsler HJ, Kehn A, Wise RA, et al. (2015) Attorney beliefs concerning scientific evidence and expert witness credibility. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
Wise RA, Sartori G, Magnussen S, et al. (2014) An examination of the causes and solutions to eyewitness error. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 5: 102
Magnussen S, Safer MA, Sartori G, et al. (2013) What Italian Defense Attorneys Know about Factors Affecting Eyewitness Accuracy: A Comparison with U.S. and Norwegian Samples. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 4: 28
Pawlenko NB, Safer MA, Wise RA, et al. (2013) A teaching aid for improving jurors' assessments of eyewitness accuracy Applied Cognitive Psychology. 27: 190-197
Weatherly JN, Wise RA, Derenne A. (2012) Probability Discounting of Legal and Non-Legal Outcomes Behavior and Social Issues. 21: 165-187
Wise RA, Cushman B, Safer MA. (2012) Scientific Procedures for Eyewitness Evidence for U.S. Law Officers Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice. 12: 173-187
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