Aaron M. Martin, Ph.D.

2013 Psychology Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Aaron Martin"
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Stephen M. Auerbach grad student 2013 VCU
 (The role of pain-related catastrophizing in outcomes and recovery from minimally invasive and surgical procedures for treating temporomandibular disorders.)
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Benotsch EG, Sawyer AN, Martin AM, et al. (2017) Dependency Traits, Relationship Power, and Health Risks in Women Receiving Sexually-Transmitted Infection Clinic Services. Behavioral Medicine (Washington, D.C.). 43: 176-183
Jeffers AJ, Benotsch EG, Green BA, et al. (2015) Health anxiety and the non-medical use of prescription drugs in young adults: A cross-sectional study. Addictive Behaviors. 50: 74-77
Snipes DJ, Jeffers AJ, Benotsch EG, et al. (2015) Religiosity in the non-medical use of prescription medication in college students. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 41: 93-9
Benotsch EG, Martin AM, Koester S, et al. (2015) Driving under the influence of prescription drugs used nonmedically: associations in a young adult sample. Substance Abuse. 36: 99-105
Martin AM, Benotsch EG, Cejka A, et al. (2014) Social responsibility, substance use, and sexual risk behavior in men who have sex with men. Journal of Homosexuality. 61: 251-69
Benotsch EG, Koester S, Martin AM, et al. (2014) Intentional misuse of over-the-counter medications, mental health, and polysubstance use in young adults. Journal of Community Health. 39: 688-95
Benotsch EG, Martin AM, Snipes DJ, et al. (2013) Significant and non-significant associations between technology use and sexual risk: a need for more empirical attention. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. 53: 147-8
Benotsch EG, Snipes DJ, Martin AM, et al. (2013) Sexting, substance use, and sexual risk behavior in young adults. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. 52: 307-13
Benotsch EG, Jeffers AJ, Snipes DJ, et al. (2013) The five factor model of personality and the non-medical use of prescription drugs: Associations in a young adult sample Personality and Individual Differences. 55: 852-855
Martin AM, Benotsch EG, Lance SP, et al. (2013) Transmission risk behaviors in a subset of HIV-positive individuals: The role of narcissistic personality features Personality and Individual Differences. 54: 256-260
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