Newton Sabino Canteras, Ph.D.

Instituto de Ciêncas Biomédicas University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 
"Newton Canteras"
Mean distance: 15.23 (cluster 6)
Cross-listing: Anatomy Tree

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Viellard JMA, Melleu FF, Tamais AM, et al. (2024) A subiculum-hypothalamic pathway functions in dynamic threat detection and memory updating. Current Biology : Cb
de Almeida AP, Tamais AM, Zerbini C, et al. (2023) Role of the rostral dorsomedial column of the periaqueductal gray during social defeat in rats. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Melleu FF, Canteras NS. (2023) Pathways from the Superior Colliculus to the Basal Ganglia. Current Neuropharmacology
Bindi RP, Guimarães CC, de Oliveira AR, et al. (2023) Anatomical and functional study of the cuneiform nucleus: A critical site to organize innate defensive behaviors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Melleu FF, de Oliveira AR, Grego KF, et al. (2022) Dissecting the brain's fear systems responding to snake threats. The European Journal of Neuroscience
de Lima MAX, Baldo MVC, Oliveira FA, et al. (2022) The anterior cingulate cortex and its role in controlling contextual fear memory to predatory threats. Elife. 11
Wang W, Schuette PJ, La-Vu MQ, et al. (2021) Dorsal premammillary projection to periaqueductal gray controls escape vigor from innate and conditioned threats. Elife. 10
Soares VPMN, de Andrade TGCS, Canteras NS, et al. (2021) Orexin 1 and 2 Receptors in the Prelimbic Cortex Modulate Threat Valuation. Neuroscience
Wang W, Schuette PJ, Nagai J, et al. (2021) Coordination of escape and spatial navigation circuits orchestrates versatile flight from threats. Neuron
Mendes-Gomes J, Motta SC, Passoni Bindi R, et al. (2020) Defensive behaviors and brain regional activation changes in rats confronting a snake. Behavioural Brain Research. 381: 112469
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