Pelin Munis, Ph.D.

2008 University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 
Developmental Psychology
"Pelin Munis"
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Daryl B. Greenfield grad student 2008 University of Miami
 (An investigation of the roles of temperament and approaches to learning on Head Start children's school readiness.)
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Vitiello VE, Moas O, Henderson HA, et al. (2012) Goodness of Fit Between Children and Classrooms: Effects of Child Temperament and Preschool Classroom Quality on Achievement Trajectories Early Education and Development. 23: 302-322
Vitiello VE, Greenfield DB, Munis P, et al. (2011) Cognitive flexibility, approaches to learning, and academic school readiness in head start preschool children Early Education and Development. 22: 388-410
Munis P, Greenfield DB, Henderson HA, et al. (2007) Development and validation of the Preschool Temperament Classification System for use with teachers Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 22: 440-450
Greenfield DB, Iruka IU, Munis P. (2004) Assessment of Social Competence in High-Risk Preschoolers: Evaluation of the Adaptive Social Behavior Inventory (ASBI) across Home and School Settings Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 22: 220-232
Greenfield DB, Iruka IU, Munis P. (2004) Assessment of social competence in high-risk preschoolers: Evaluation of the adaptive social behavior inventory (ASBI) across home and school settings Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 22: 220-232
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