Volodymyr Nikolenko

Columbia University, New York, NY 
Cortical circuits
"Volodymyr Nikolenko"
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Rafael Yuste grad student 2001-2008 Columbia
 (Two-photon mapping of neocortical circuits.)
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Nikolenko V, Peterka DS, Araya R, et al. (2013) Spatial light modulator microscopy. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2013: 1132-41
Nikolenko V, Yuste R. (2013) How to build a two-photon microscope with a confocal scan head. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2013: 588-92
Hirase H, Nikolenko V, Yuste R. (2012) Multiphoton stimulation of neurons and spines. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2012: 472-5
Nikolenko V, Fino E, Yuste R. (2011) Two-photon mapping of neural circuits. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2011: pdb.top111
Watson BO, Nikolenko V, Araya R, et al. (2010) Two-photon microscopy with diffractive optical elements and spatial light modulators. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 4
Nikolenko V, Peterka DS, Yuste R. (2010) A portable laser photostimulation and imaging microscope. Journal of Neural Engineering. 7: 045001
McGarry LM, Packer AM, Fino E, et al. (2010) Quantitative classification of somatostatin-positive neocortical interneurons identifies three interneuron subtypes. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 4: 12
Peterka DS, Nikolenko V, Fino E, et al. (2010) Fast two-photon neuronal imaging and control using a spatial light modulator and ruthenium compounds Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of Spie. 7548
Watson BO, Nikolenko V, Yuste R. (2009) Two-photon imaging with diffractive optical elements. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 3: 6
Nikolenko V, Watson BO, Araya R, et al. (2008) SLM Microscopy: Scanless Two-Photon Imaging and Photostimulation with Spatial Light Modulators. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2: 5
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