Tracy M. Ksiazak, Ph.D.

2010 Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services Ball State University, Muncie, IN, United States 
Counseling Psychology
"Tracy Ksiazak"
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Kristin Perrone grad student 2010 Ball State University
 (Development of the Ksiazak Adult Giftedness Scale.)
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Perrone-McGovern KM, Ksiazak TM, Wright SL, et al. (2011) Major life decisions of gifted adults in relation to overall life satisfaction Journal For the Education of the Gifted. 34: 817-838
Perrone KM, Ksiazak TM, Wright SL, et al. (2010) Multigenerational giftedness: Perceptions of giftedness across three generations Journal For the Education of the Gifted. 33: 606-627
Perrone KM, Wright SL, Ksiazak TM, et al. (2010) Looking back on lessons learned: Gifted adults reflect on their experiences in advanced classes Roeper Review. 32: 127-139
Ksiazak T. (2007) Models of Counseling Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Young AdultsMendaglioS., & PetersonJ. S. (2007). Models of counseling gifted children, adolescents, and young adults.Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Journal For the Education of the Gifted. 31: 104-109
Perrone KM, Perrone PA, Ksiazak TM, et al. (2007) Self‐perception of gifts and talents among adults in a longitudinal study of academically talented high‐school graduates Roeper Review. 29: 259-264
Perrone KM, Webb LK, Wright SL, et al. (2006) Relationship of Spirituality to Work and Family Roles and Life Satisfaction Among Gifted Adults Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 28: 253-268
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