Karl Pearson

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
"Karl Pearson"


Mean distance: 18.8 (cluster 4)
Cross-listing: PsychTree - MathTree


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Joseph Oscar Irwin research assistant (FlyTree)
Frank Eugene Lutz research assistant 1902 UCL (Evolution Tree)
William Palin Elderton research assistant 1903 UCL (MathTree)
William Sealy Gosset research assistant 1906-1907 UCL
Philip Hall grad student (MathTree)
Harold J. Laski grad student UCL (Econometree)
David Wechsler grad student UCL
John Wishart grad student University College Cork (Physics Tree)
Alexander Carr-Saunders grad student 1910 University College London (Econometree)
Florence Nightingale David grad student 1938 UCL
Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen post-doc 1930-1934 UCL
Major Greenwood research scientist UCL
Ebenezer Cunningham research scientist 1907-1911 University College London (MathTree)
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Watson DMS, Watson KM, Pearson HS, et al. (1919) On The Nest And Eggs Of The Common Tern (S. Fluviatilis). A Third Cooperative Study Biometrika. 15: 294-345
Pearson K. (1909) The Theory of Ancestral Contributions in Heredity Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 81: 219-224
Pearson K. (1903) Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution. XI. On the Influence of Natural Selection on the Variability and Correlation of Organs Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 200: 1-66
Pearson K, Filon LNG. (1898) Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution. IV. On the Probable Errors of Frequency Constants and on the Influence of Random Selection on Variation and Correlation Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 191: 229-311
Pearson K, Galton F. (1896) IV.—“Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Evolution. Note on Reproductive Selection Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 59: 398-402
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