Johannes Spaethe
Affiliations: | 1998-2001 | University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Bayern, Germany |
"Johannes Spaethe"Mean distance: 16.87 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Leonhardt SD, Lihoreau M, Spaethe J. (2020) Mechanisms of Nutritional Resource Exploitation by Insects. Insects. 11 |
Ruedenauer FA, Sydow D, Spaethe J, et al. (2020) Young bumblebees may rely on both direct pollen cues and early experience when foraging. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 287: 20201615 |
Ruedenauer FA, Raubenheimer D, Kessner-Beierlein D, et al. (2020) Best be(e) on low fat: linking nutrient perception, regulation and fitness. Ecology Letters |
Streinzer M, Roth N, Paulus HF, et al. (2019) Color preference and spatial distribution of glaphyrid beetles suggest a key role in the maintenance of the color polymorphism in the peacock anemone (Anemone pavonina, Ranunculaceae) in Northern Greece. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology |
Yilmaz A, Grübel K, Spaethe J, et al. (2019) Distributed plasticity in ant visual pathways following colour learning. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 286: 20182813 |
Kraft N, Spaethe J, Rössler W, et al. (2019) Neuronal Plasticity in the Mushroom-Body Calyx of Bumble Bee Workers During Early Adult Development. Developmental Neurobiology |
Lichtenstein L, Brockmann A, Spaethe J. (2019) Learning of monochromatic stimuli in Apis cerana and Apis mellifera by means of PER conditioning. Journal of Insect Physiology. 114: 30-34 |
Ruedenauer FA, Wöhrle C, Spaethe J, et al. (2018) Do honeybees (Apis mellifera) differentiate between different pollen types? Plos One. 13: e0205821 |
Lichtenstein L, Lichtenstein M, Spaethe J. (2018) Length of stimulus presentation and visual angle are critical for efficient visual PER conditioning in the restrained honey bee, . The Journal of Experimental Biology. 221 |
Lichtenstein L, Grübel K, Spaethe J. (2018) Opsin expression patterns coincide with photoreceptor development during pupal development in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Bmc Developmental Biology. 18: 1 |