Ellis Gesten
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States |
General Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental PsychologyGoogle:
"Ellis Gesten"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeThomas G. Kremer | grad student | 2001 | University of South Florida |
Raymond C. Santa Lucia | grad student | 2004 | University of South Florida |
Marissa A. Feldman | grad student | 2011 | University of South Florida |
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Feldman MA, Ojanen T, Gesten EL, et al. (2014) The effects of middle school bullying and victimization on adjustment through high school: Growth modeling of achievement, school attendance, and disciplinary trajectories Psychology in the Schools. 51: 1046-1062 |
Ojanen T, Smith-Schrandt HL, Gesten E. (2012) Associations among children's social goals, responses to peer conflict, and teacher-reported behavioral and academic adjustment at school Journal of Experimental Education. 81: 68-83 |
Smith-Schrandt HL, Ojanen T, Gesten E, et al. (2011) Beyond situational ambiguity in peer conflict: unique and combined effects of cues from an antagonist and a best friend. Child Development. 82: 1921-37 |
Kremer TG, Gesten EL. (2003) Managed mental health care: The client's perspective Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 34: 187-196 |
Kaufmann D, Gesten E, Lucia RCS, et al. (2000) The Relationship Between Parenting Style and Children's Adjustment: The Parents' Perspective Journal of Child and Family Studies. 9: 231-245 |
Lucia RCS, Gesten E, Rendina-Gobioff G, et al. (2000) Children's School Adjustment: A Developmental Transactional Systems Perspective Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 21: 429-446 |
Todd MK, Gesten EL. (1999) Predictors of child abuse potential in at-risk adolescents Journal of Family Violence. 14: 417-436 |
Kremer TG, Gesten EL. (1998) Confidentiality limits of managed care and clients' willingness to self-disclose Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 29: 553-558 |
Weissberg RP, Cowen EL, Lotyczewski BS, et al. (1987) Teacher ratings of children's problem and competence behaviors: normative and parametric characteristics. American Journal of Community Psychology. 15: 387-401 |
Toro PA, Cowen EL, Gesten EL, et al. (1985) Social environmental predictors of children's adjustment in elementary school classrooms. American Journal of Community Psychology. 13: 353-64 |