George V. Gushue

TC: Counseling Psychology Columbia University, New York, NY 
Counseling Psychology, Vocational Education
"George Gushue"
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Lisa V. Orbe grad student 2004 Columbia
Rosemary B. McCullough grad student 2005 Columbia
Catalina Gomez grad student 2007 Columbia
Melissa L. Whitson grad student 2008 Columbia
Christine P. Clarke grad student 2009 Columbia
Brenda X. Mejia grad student 2011 Columbia
Cecilia Rougier grad student 2011 Columbia
Lauren D. Fisher grad student 2012 Columbia
Karen M. Gelder grad student 2012 Columbia
Yi-Jung Lee grad student 2012 Columbia
Kolone R. Scanlan grad student 2013 Columbia
Sandra N Gomez grad student 2020-2025 Columbia
BETA: Related publications


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Conkel-Ziebell JL, Gushue GV, Turner SL. (2019) Anticipation of racism and sexism: Factors related to setting career goals for urban youth of color. Journal of Counseling Psychology
Bonifacio L, Gushue GV, Mejia-Smith BX. (2018) Microaggressions and Ethnic Identity in the Career Development of Latina College Students The Counseling Psychologist. 46: 505-529
Gushue GV, Walker AD, Brewster ME. (2017) Motivation and color-blind racial attitudes among White psychology trainees. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 11: 78-85
Mejia-Smith B, Gushue GV. (2017) Latina/o College Students' Perceptions of Career Barriers: Influence of Ethnic Identity, Acculturation, and Self‐Efficacy Journal of Counseling and Development. 95: 145-155
Gushue GV, Mejia-Smith BX, Fisher LD, et al. (2013) Differentiation of self and racial identity Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 26: 343-361
Fisher LD, Gushue GV, Cerrone MT. (2011) The influences of career support and sexual identity on sexual minority women's career aspirations Career Development Quarterly. 59: 441-454
Flores LY, Gushue GV. (2008) 2007 JCD Reviewer Recognition and Appreciation Journal of Career Development. 34: 334-335
Gushue GV, Constantine MG, Sciarra DT. (2008) The influence of culture, self-reported multicultural counseling competence, and shifting standards of judgment on perceptions of family functioning of white family counselors Journal of Counseling and Development. 86: 85-94
Gushue GV, Constantine MG. (2007) Color-Blind Racial Attitudes and White Racial Identity Attitudes in Psychology Trainees Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 38: 321-328
Miville ML, Carlozzi AF, Gushue GV, et al. (2006) Mental Health Counselor Qualities for a Diverse Clientele: Linking Empathy, Universal-Diverse Orientation, and Emotional Intelligence Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 28: 151-165
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