Stephen B. Gilbert

Psychology Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 
Information Science, Social Psychology, Theory and Methods, Computer Science
"Stephen Gilbert"
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Kelly JW, Ostrander AG, Lim AF, et al. (2020) Teleporting through virtual environments: Effects of path scale and environment scale on spatial updating. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics
Cherep LA, Lim AF, Kelly JW, et al. (2020) Spatial cognitive implications of teleporting through virtual environments. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied
Le T, Jeong HD, Gilbert SB, et al. (2020) Generating partial civil information model views using a semantic information retrieval approach Journal of Information Technology in Construction. 25: 41-54
Hoover M, Miller J, Gilbert S, et al. (2020) Measuring the Performance Impact of Using the Microsoft HoloLens 1 to Provide Guided Assembly Work Instructions Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 20
Ostrander A, Bonner D, Walton J, et al. (2020) Evaluation of an intelligent team tutoring system for a collaborative two-person problem: Surveillance Computers in Human Behavior. 104: 105873
O'Connor AM, Tsafnat G, Gilbert SB, et al. (2019) Still moving toward automation of the systematic review process: a summary of discussions at the third meeting of the International Collaboration for Automation of Systematic Reviews (ICASR). Systematic Reviews. 8: 57
Meusel C, Grimm C, Starkey J, et al. (2019) The importance of operator knowledge in evaluating virtual reality cue fidelity Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 160: 179-187
O'Connor AM, Tsafnat G, Gilbert SB, et al. (2018) Moving toward the automation of the systematic review process: a summary of discussions at the second meeting of International Collaboration for the Automation of Systematic Reviews (ICASR). Systematic Reviews. 7: 3
Kalvelage K, Dorneich MC, Seeger CJ, et al. (2017) Assessing the validity of facilitated-volunteered geographic information: comparisons of expert and novice ratings Geojournal. 83: 477-488
Prater D, Gilbert S, Winer E. (2013) Analysis of tactors for wearable simulator feedback: A tactile vest architecture Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8649
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