Mariya Komolova, Ph.D.

2011 Psychology University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology
"Mariya Komolova"
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Monisha Pasupathi grad student University of Utah
Cecilia Wainryb grad student 2011 University of Utah
 ("But we still loved each other": Preadolescents' and adolescents' individuation and connectedness in the narratives about conflicts with parents and friends.)
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Wainryb C, Komolova M, Brehl B. (2014) Children’s narrative accounts and judgments of their own peer-exclusion experiences Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 60: 461-490
Komolova M, Wainryb C. (2011) 'What I Want and What You Want': Children's Thinking about Competing Personal Preferences Social Development. 20: 334-352
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