Danielle Arigo, Ph.D.

2012 Psychology Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology
"Danielle Arigo"
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Joshua M. Smyth grad student 2012 Syracuse
 (Social Comparison Theory in the Context of Chronic Illness: Predictors and Consequences of Target Selection among Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.)
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Romano KA, Heron KE, Arigo D. (2023) Temporal Sequencing of Naturalistic Associations Between Body Satisfaction and Physical Activity: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Among Women in Midlife With Elevated Cardiovascular Risk. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 1-9
Arigo D, Lobo AF, Ainsworth MC, et al. (2022) Development and Initial Testing of a Personalized, Adaptive, and Socially Focused Web Tool to Support Physical Activity Among Women in Midlife: Multidisciplinary and User-Centered Design Approach. Jmir Formative Research. 6: e36280
Arigo D, Hevel D, Bittel K, et al. (2022) Within-person examination of the exercise intention-behavior gap among women in midlife with elevated cardiovascular disease risk. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 60
Arigo D, Mogle JA, Brown MM, et al. (2021) A multi-study approach to refining ecological momentary assessment measures for use among midlife women with elevated risk for cardiovascular disease. Mhealth. 7: 53
Arigo D, Mogle JA, Smyth JM. (2021) Relations between social comparisons and physical activity among women in midlife with elevated risk for cardiovascular disease: an ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Schumacher LM, Thomas C, Ainsworth MC, et al. (2020) Social predictors of daily relations between college women's physical activity intentions and behavior. Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Arigo D, Brown MM, Pasko K, et al. (2020) Rationale and Design of the Women's Health And Daily Experiences Project: Protocol for an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study to Identify Real-Time Predictors of Midlife Women's Physical Activity. Jmir Research Protocols. 9: e19044
Arigo D, Pasko K, Mogle JA. (2020) Daily Relations between Social Perceptions and Physical Activity among College Women. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 47
Brown MM, Arigo D, Wolever RQ, et al. (2020) Do gender, anxiety, or sleep quality predict mindfulness-based stress reduction outcomes? Journal of Health Psychology. 1359105320931186
MacIntyre RI, Heron KE, Braitman AL, et al. (2020) An Ecological Momentary Assessment of Self-improvement and Self-evaluation Body Comparisons: Associations with College Women's Body Dissatisfaction and Exercise. Body Image. 33: 264-277
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