Laura Rusche
Affiliations: | Biochemistry | Duke University, Durham, NC |
Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cell BiologyGoogle:
"Laura Rusche"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeMeleah A. Hickman | grad student | 2010 | Duke |
Eugenia C. Prescott | grad student | 2011 | Duke |
Cara A. Froyd | grad student | 2012 | Duke |
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Maria H, Rusche LN. (2022) The DNA replication protein Orc1 from the yeast Torulaspora delbrueckii is required for heterochromatin formation but not as a silencer-binding protein. Genetics |
Zhao G, Rusche LN. (2022) Sirtuins in Epigenetic Silencing and Control of Gene Expression in Model and Pathogenic Fungi. Annual Review of Microbiology |
Rusche LN. (2020) Mobile DNAs and switching mating types in yeast. Elife. 9 |
Humphrey KM, Zhu L, Hickman MA, et al. (2020) Evolution of Distinct Responses to Low NAD Stress by Rewiring the Sir2 Deacetylase Network in Yeasts. Genetics |
Hanner AS, Rusche LN. (2017) The Yeast Heterochromatin Protein Sir3 Experienced Functional Changes in the AAA+ Domain After Gene Duplication and Subfunctionalization. Genetics |
Rupert CB, Heltzel JM, Taylor DJ, et al. (2016) Sporadic Gene Loss After Duplication Is Associated with Functional Divergence of Sirtuin Deacetylases Among Candida Yeast Species. G3 (Bethesda, Md.) |
Kapoor S, Zhu L, Froyd C, et al. (2015) Regional centromeres in the yeast Candida lusitaniae lack pericentromeric heterochromatin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Tsai HJ, Baller JA, Liachko I, et al. (2014) Origin replication complex binding, nucleosome depletion patterns, and a primary sequence motif can predict origins of replication in a genome with epigenetic centromeres. Mbio. 5: e01703-14 |
Froyd CA, Kapoor S, Dietrich F, et al. (2013) The deacetylase Sir2 from the yeast Clavispora lusitaniae lacks the evolutionarily conserved capacity to generate subtelomeric heterochromatin. Plos Genetics. 9: e1003935 |
Guerreiro MA, Springer DJ, Rodrigues JA, et al. (2013) Molecular and genetic evidence for a tetrapolar mating system in the basidiomycetous yeast Kwoniella mangrovensis and two novel sibling species. Eukaryotic Cell. 12: 746-60 |