Kristie L. Gore, Ph.D.

2004 American University, Washington, DC, United States 
Psychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology
"Kristie Gore"
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Michele M. Carter grad student 2004 American University
 (The specificity of the ASI and the ACS in predicting state anxiety following four different Velten-like mood inductions.)
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Gore KL, Carter MM. (2003) Incorporating the Family in the Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of an African-American Female Suffering from Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia Journal of Family Psychotherapy. 14: 73-92
Carter MM, Sbrocco T, Gore KL, et al. (2003) Cognitive-behavioral group therapy versus a wait-list control in the treatment of African American women with panic disorder Cognitive Therapy and Research. 27: 505-518
Gore KL, Carter MM, Parker S. (2002) Predicting anxious response to a social challenge: the predictive utility of the social interaction anxiety scale and the social phobia scale in a college population. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 40: 689-700
Carter MM, Suchday S, Gore KL. (2001) The utility of the ASI factors in predicting response to voluntary hyperventilation among nonclinical participants. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 15: 217-30
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