Vanessa Juth, Ph.D.

2013 Psychology and Social Behavior University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Clinical Psychology
"Vanessa Juth"
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Roxane C. Silver grad student 2013 UC Irvine
 (The Dyadic Cancer Experience: Adjustment of Adolescent and Young Adult Patients and their Caregivers.)
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Serlachius A, Hames J, Juth V, et al. (2018) Parental experiences of family-centred care from admission to discharge in the neonatal intensive care unit. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Arigo D, Juth V, Trief P, et al. (2017) Unique relations between post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and patient functioning in type 2 diabetes. Journal of Health Psychology. 1359105317727839
Bernstein MJ, Zawadzki MJ, Juth V, et al. (2017) Social interactions in daily life Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 35: 372-394
Smyth JM, Juth V, Ma J, et al. (2017) A slice of life: Ecologically valid methods for research on social relationships and health across the life span Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 11: e12356
Kay JS, Juth V, Silver RC, et al. (2016) Support and conflict in relationships and psychological health in adolescents and young adults with cancer. Journal of Health Psychology. 1359105316676629
Lee JA, Evangelista LS, Moore AA, et al. (2016) Feasibility Study of a Mobile Health Intervention for Older Adults on Oral Anticoagulation Therapy. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine. 2: 2333721416672970
Smyth JM, Zawadzki MJ, Juth V, et al. (2016) Global life satisfaction predicts ambulatory affect, stress, and cortisol in daily life in working adults. Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Juth V, Silver RC, Seyle DC, et al. (2015) Post-Disaster Mental Health Among Parent-Child Dyads After a Major Earthquake in Indonesia. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Juth V, Silver RC, Sender L. (2015) The shared experience of adolescent and young adult cancer patients and their caregivers. Psycho-Oncology
Juth V, Smyth JM, Carey MP, et al. (2015) Social Constraints are Associated with Negative Psychological and Physical Adjustment in Bereavement. Applied Psychology. Health and Well-Being. 7: 129-48
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