James Guy Mansfield

GE Healthcare, Buc, Île-de-France, France 
Health Informatics
"James Mansfield"

Ph.D. (Behavioral Neuroscience)
from the School of Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences University (Portland, OR).

Academic research and teaching in areas of: Visual system information processing; behavioral mechanisms in drug tolerance and dependence; and research design and methodology.

Twenty years of experience in health care and clinical information systems, including product management, data analysis and evaluation, product planning, and product R&D. Currently Grants/Contract Manager for the SAGE Project and a member of the SAGE Leadership Team. Currently Co-Chair: HL7 Clinical Guidelines Special Interest Group.

Mean distance: 14.9 (cluster 19)


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Judson Seise Brown grad student 1974-1979 OHSU
Christopher L. Cunningham grad student 1976-1979 OHSU
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Mansfield JG, Benedict RS, Woods SC. (1983) Response specificity of behaviorally augmented tolerance to ethanol supports a learning interpretation. Psychopharmacology. 79: 94-8
Mansfield JG, Woods SC. (1981) Associative influences on the development and loss of tolerance to the thermic and motor effects of ethanol Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 5: No. 113
Mansfield JG, Woods SC. (1981) Cross-tolerance between the hypothermic effects of ethanol and morphine: An associative account Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 5: No. 114
Mansfield JG, Cunningham CL. (1980) Conditioning and extinction of tolerance to the hypothermic effect of ethanol in rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 94: 962-9
Brown JS, Mansfield JG, Skurdal AJ. (1980) An interference-reduction theory of the effects of ethanol on conflict behavior Physiological Psychology. 8: 423-432
Mansfield JG, Cunningham CL. (1980) Conditioned tolerance to ethanol-induced hypothermia Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 4: No. 87
Mansfield JG. (1979) Dose-related effects of ethanol on avoidance-avoidance conflict behavior in the rat. Psychopharmacology. 66: 67-71
Mansfield JG, Eaton NK, Cunningham CL, et al. (1977) Ethanol and avoidance avoidance conflict in the rat Physiological Psychology. 5: 197-203
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