
Pamela F. Foley

Counseling Psychology Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, United States 
Counseling Psychology, GLBT Studies
"Pamela Foley"
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Foley PF, Lytle MC. (2015) Social Cognitive Career Theory, the Theory of Work Adjustment, and Work Satisfaction of Retirement-Age Adults. Journal of Career Development. 42: 199-214
Lytle MC, Foley PF, Cotter EW. (2015) Career and Retirement Theories: Relevance for Older Workers Across Cultures. Journal of Career Development. 42: 185-198
Lytle MC, Clancy ME, Foley PF, et al. (2015) Current Trends in Retirement: Implications for Career Counseling and Vocational Psychology. Journal of Career Development. 42: 170-184
Lytle MC, Foley PF, Aster AM. (2013) Adult Children of Gay and Lesbian Parents: Religion and the Parent-Child Relationship. The Counseling Psychologist. 41: 530-567
Krumboltz JD, Foley PF, Cotter EW. (2013) Applying the happenstance learning theory to involuntary career transitions Career Development Quarterly. 61: 15-26
Duffy RD, Foley PF, Raque-Bodgan TL, et al. (2012) Counseling Psychologists Who View Their Careers as a Calling: A Qualitative Study Journal of Career Assessment. 20: 293-308
Hernandez EF, Foley PF, Beitin BK. (2011) Hearing the call: A phenomenological study of religion in career choice Journal of Career Development. 38: 62-88
Chae MH, Foley PF. (2010) Relationship of Ethnic Identity, Acculturation, and Psychological Well-Being Among Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Americans Journal of Counseling & Development. 88: 466-476
Schlosser LZ, Foley PF. (2008) Ethical issues in multicultural student–faculty mentoring relationships in higher education Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 16: 63-75
Zalaquett CP, Foley PF, Tillotson K, et al. (2008) Multicultural and social justice training for counselor education programs and colleges of education: Rewards and challenges Journal of Counseling and Development. 86: 323-329
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