Lisa M. Dillon, Ph.D.

2012 Psychology Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States 
Behavioral Psychology, Evolution and Development Biology, Individual and Family Studies
"Lisa Dillon"
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Glenn E. Weisfeld grad student 2012 Wayne State
 (Sex differences in happiness and marital satisfaction: The contribrution of children, attractiveness, and financial status.)
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Dillon LM, Nowak N, Weisfeld GE, et al. (2015) Sources of marital conflict in five cultures. Evolutionary Psychology : An International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior. 13: 1-15
Dillon LM, Nowak NT, Shattuck KS, et al. (2014) When the cat's away, the spouse will play: A cross-cultural examination of mate guarding in married couples Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 12: 97-108
Weisfeld GE, Dillon LM. (2012) Applying the dominance hierarchy model to pride and shame, and related behaviors Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 10: 15-41
Weisfeld CC, Dillon LM, Nowak NT, et al. (2011) Sex differences and similarities in married couples: patterns across and within cultures. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 40: 1165-72
Dillon LM, Beechler MP. (2010) Marital satisfaction and the impact of children in collectivist cultures: A meta-analysis Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 8: 7-22
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