Scott D. Risser, Ph.D.

2007 University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States 
Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology
"Scott Risser"
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Marion K. Underwood grad student 2007 UT Dallas
 (Interparental conflict, psychological control, and children's social aggression.)
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Risser SD. (2013) Relational Aggression and Academic Performance in Elementary School Psychology in the Schools. 50: 13-26
Mayeux L, Underwood MK, Risser SD. (2007) Perspectives on the Ethics of Sociometric Research with Children: How Children, Peers, and Teachers Help to Inform the Debate Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 53: 53-78
Mayeux L, Underwood MK, Risser SD. (2007) Perspectives on the ethics of sociometric research with children: How children, peers, and teachers help to inform the debate Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 53: 53-78
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