Kiri A. Faul, Ph.D.

2006 The University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, United States 
Developmental Psychology
"Kiri Faul"
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Cindy Juntunen grad student 2006 University of North Dakota
 (Contextual and mediating factors in body image dissatisfaction.)
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Herlickson AB, Wettersten KB, Herrick CG, et al. (2009) Initial development and psychometric properties of the adolescent perceptions of parental pro-educational attitudes and behaviors scale Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 41: 194-209
Wettersten KB, Guilmino A, Herrick CG, et al. (2005) Predicting educational and vocational attitudes among rural high school students Journal of Counseling Psychology. 52: 658-663
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