William E. Breen, Ph.D.

2009 George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Clinical Psychology
"William Breen"
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Todd B. Kashdan grad student 2009 George Mason
 (Anger experience and expression in socially anxious individuals after imagined social rejection: Testing the moderating role of experiential avoidance.)
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Breen WE, Kashdan TB. (2011) Anger suppression after imagined rejection among individuals with social anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 25: 879-87
Breen WE, Kashdan TB, Lenser ML, et al. (2010) Gratitude and forgiveness: Convergence and divergence on self-report and informant ratings. Personality and Individual Differences. 49: 932-937
Niemiec CP, Brown KW, Kashdan TB, et al. (2010) Being present in the face of existential threat: The role of trait mindfulness in reducing defensive responses to mortality salience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 99: 344-65
Kashdan TB, Breen WE, Julian T. (2010) Everyday strivings in war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: suffering from a hyper-focus on avoidance and emotion regulation. Behavior Therapy. 41: 350-63
Kashdan TB, Breen WE, Afram A, et al. (2010) Experiential avoidance in idiographic, autobiographical memories: construct validity and links to social anxiety, depressive, and anger symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 24: 528-34
Kashdan TB, Gallagher MW, Silvia PJ, et al. (2009) The Curiosity and Exploration Inventory-II: Development, Factor Structure, and Psychometrics. Journal of Research in Personality. 43: 987-998
Kashdan TB, Mishra A, Breen WE, et al. (2009) Gender differences in gratitude: examining appraisals, narratives, the willingness to express emotions, and changes in psychological needs. Journal of Personality. 77: 691-730
Kashdan TB, Breen WE. (2008) Social anxiety and positive emotions: a prospective examination of a self-regulatory model with tendencies to suppress or express emotions as a moderating variable. Behavior Therapy. 39: 1-12
Kashdan TB, Elhai JD, Breen WE. (2008) Social anxiety and disinhibition: an analysis of curiosity and social rank appraisals, approach-avoidance conflicts, and disruptive risk-taking behavior. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 22: 925-39
Kashdan TB, Volkmann JR, Breen WE, et al. (2007) Social anxiety and romantic relationships: the costs and benefits of negative emotion expression are context-dependent. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 21: 475-92
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