Yasmin Rey, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | Florida International University, Miami, FL, United States |
Theory and Methods, Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Yasmin Rey"Mean distance: 11874
Sign in to add mentorWendy K. Silverman | grad student | 2010 | Florida International | |
(Evaluation of the internal structural validity of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition) anxiety disorders in children and adolescents.) |
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Cabrera VM, Buitron V, Patriarca GC, et al. (2023) Parent Accommodation Contemporaneously Mediates the Association Between Youth Irritability and Youth Anxiety Treatment Outcome. Behavior Therapy. 54: 852-862 |
Seligman LD, Marin CE, Hovey JD, et al. (2023) Mothers' Psychological Control and Accommodation are Associated with More Severe Anxiety in Hispanic Youth. Child Psychiatry and Human Development |
Pettit JW, Rey Y, Marin CE, et al. (2022) Attention Training as a Low-Intensity Treatment for Concerning Anxiety in Clinic-Referred Youth. Behavior Therapy. 54: 77-90 |
Patriarca GC, Rey Y, Marin CE, et al. (2022) Parent involvement enhances CBTs for anxiety disorders in Hispanic/Latino youth: Acculturation as a moderator. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 90: 827-836 |
Musicaro RM, Yeguez CE, Rey Y, et al. (2022) Anxious Bullies: Parent Distress and Youth Anxiety Interact to Predict Bullying Perpetration. Child Psychiatry and Human Development |
Buitron V, Hill RM, Bose D, et al. (2022) Brief modular approach to target perceived burdensomeness in clinic-referred youth. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior |
Silverman WK, Rey Y, Marin CE, et al. (2021) Does Training Parents in Reinforcement Skills or Relationship Skills Enhance Individual Youths' Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety? Outcome, Specificity, and Mediation. Clinical Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 10: 355-373 |
Silverman WK, Marin CE, Rey Y, et al. (2021) Directional effects of parent and child anxiety 1 year following treatment of child anxiety, and the mediational role of parent psychological control. Depression and Anxiety |
van Son D, Marin CE, Boutris P, et al. (2021) Attending to the Attentional Control Scale for Children: Confirming its factor structure and measurement invariance. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 80: 102399 |
Silverman WK, Marin CE, Rey Y, et al. (2019) Group- versus Parent-Involvement CBT for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: Treatment Specificity and Long-term Recovery Mediation. Clinical Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 7: 840-855 |