Charles A. Waehler

Counseling Psychology University of Akron, Akron, OH, United States 
Counseling Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Spirituality
"Charles Waehler"
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Shy BM, Waehler CA. (2009) Terminology's impact on expectations about and intentions to seek psychological services Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 23: 50-64
Goncy EA, Waehler CA. (2006) An empirical investigation of creativity and musical experience Psychology of Music. 34: 307-321
Oliver KE, Waehler CA. (2005) Investigating the validity of Holland's (1959, 1997) RIASEC typology among native Hawaiians Journal of Counseling Psychology. 52: 448-452
Harari MJ, Waehler CA, Rogers JR. (2005) An empirical investigation of a theoretically based measure of perceived wellness Journal of Counseling Psychology. 52: 93-103
Wampold BE, Lichtenberg JW, Waehler CA. (2005) A broader perspective: Counseling psychology's emphasis on evidence Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 35: 27-38
Wampold BE, Lichtenberg JW, Waehler CA. (2002) Principles of empirically supported interventions in counseling psychology Counseling Psychologist. 30: 197-217+347
Logan RE, Waehler CA. (2001) The Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank: Examining potential race differences Journal of Personality Assessment. 76: 448-460
Waehler CA, Kalodner CR, Wampold BE, et al. (2000) Empirically supported treatments (ESTs) in perspective: Implications for counseling psychology training Counseling Psychologist. 28: 657-671
Lichton AI, Waehler CA. (1999) Exploring the effects of tape-recording on personality assessment Psychological Reports. 84: 869-872
Ma MH, Waehler C. (1999) The Effect of First Session Attention to Termination on Counselor Social Influence Rating Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 13: 67-79
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