Jessica L. Walton, Ph.D.

2011 Psychology Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Military Studies
"Jessica Walton"
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Patrick Corrigan grad student 2011 Illinois Institute of Technology
 (Response style as a moderator between combat exposure and PTSD symptomatology.)
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Corrigan PW, Rafacz JD, Hautamaki J, et al. (2010) Changing stigmatizing perceptions and recollections about mental illness: the effects of NAMI's in Our Own Voice. Community Mental Health Journal. 46: 517-22
Corrigan PW, Larson JE, Hautamaki J, et al. (2009) What lessons do coming out as gay men or lesbians have for people stigmatized by mental illness? Community Mental Health Journal. 45: 366-74
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