Susanne Meier, Ph.D.

2001 Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Social Psychology
"Susanne Meier"
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Craig D. Parks grad student 2001 WSU
 (Motivation attitude change: Persuasion and counterfactual thinking.)
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Sanna LJ, Parks CD, Meier S, et al. (2003) A game of inches: Spontaneous use of counterfactuals by broadcasters during major league baseball playoffs Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 33: 455-475
Sanna LJ, Meier S, Wegner EA. (2001) Counterfactuals and motivation: Mood as input to affective enjoyment and preparation British Journal of Social Psychology. 40: 235-256
Sanna LJ, Turley-Ames KJ, Meier S. (1999) Mood, self-esteem, and simulated alternatives: Thought-provoking affective influences on counterfactual direction Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 76: 543-558
Sanna LJ, Meier S, Turley-Ames KJ. (1998) Mood, self-esteem, and counterfactuals: Externally attributed moods limit self-enhancement strategies Social Cognition. 16: 267-286
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