Jeffrey N. Weatherly
Affiliations: | Psychology | The University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, United States |
General Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Native American StudiesGoogle:
"Jeffrey Weatherly"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeCasey L. McDougall | grad student | 2009 | University of North Dakota |
Angelique A. Gillis | grad student | 2012 | University of North Dakota |
Kevin S. Montes | grad student | 2013 | University of North Dakota |
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Ferraro FR, Weatherly JN. (2016) Texting Dependence, iPod Dependence, and Delay Discounting. The American Journal of Psychology. 129: 161-8 |
Montes KS, Weatherly JN. (2016) Differences in the Gambling Behavior of Online and Non-online Student Gamblers in a Controlled Laboratory Environment. Journal of Gambling Studies / Co-Sponsored by the National Council On Problem Gambling and Institute For the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming |
Weatherly JN, Petros TV, Jónsdóttir HL. (2016) Is Endorsing Gambling as an Escape More a Trait or a State? Current Psychology. 1-7 |
Cookman ML, Weatherly JN. (2015) Investigating Possible Effects of Ethnicity and Age on Gambling as an Escape. Journal of Gambling Studies / Co-Sponsored by the National Council On Problem Gambling and Institute For the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming |
Thomas KB, Derenne A, Weatherly JN. (2015) Delay and probability discounting in the context of gambling function and expectancies Journal of Gambling Issues. 35-56 |
Weatherly JN, Petros TV, J?nsd?ttir HL, et al. (2015) Probability Alters Delay Discounting, but Delay Does Not Alter Probability Discounting Psychological Record. 65: 267-275 |
Weatherly JN. (2014) On several factors that control rates of discounting. Behavioural Processes. 104: 84-90 |
Weatherly JN, Aoyama K, Terrell HK, et al. (2014) Comparing the Japanese version of the gambling functional assessment - Revised to an American sample Journal of Gambling Issues |
Montes KS, Weatherly JN. (2014) The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Military Enlistment: An Exploratory Study Military Behavioral Health. 2: 98-104 |
Weatherly JN, Feltman KA, Derenne A. (2014) Procedural aspects that control discounting rates when using the fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice methods. The Behavior Analyst Today. 14: 9-16 |