Rachna Raman, Ph.D.

2013 Psychological Sciences University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States 
Cognitive Psychology, Music
"Rachna Raman"
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W Jay Dowling grad student 2013 UT Dallas
 (Probing modulations in South Indian classical music by Indian and western musicians.)
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Raman R, Kriegsman MA, Abdi H, et al. (2020) Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven: Sorting piano excerpts based on perceived similarity using DiSTATIS New Ideas in Psychology. 57: 100757
Raman R, Dowling WJ. (2017) Perception of Modulations in South Indian Classical (Carnātic) Music by Student and Teacher Musicians: A Cross-Cultural Study Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 34: 424-437
Raman R, Dowling WJ. (2016) Real-Time Probing of Modulations in South Indian Classical (Carnātic) Music by Indian and Western Musicians Music Perception. 33: 367-393
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