Aletha C. Huston

Psychology University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Educational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Black Studies, African American Studies
"Aletha Huston"
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Danielle A. Crosby grad student 2000 UT Austin
Marika N. Ripke grad student 2001 UT Austin
Young E. Chang grad student 2003 UT Austin
Sylvia H. Branca grad student 2005 UT Austin
Allison G. Caplovitz grad student 2005 UT Austin
Catherine A. Malerba grad student 2005 UT Austin
Chantelle J. Dowsett grad student 2006 UT Austin
Sylvia R. Epps grad student 2006 UT Austin
Amy E. Imes grad student 2008 UT Austin
BETA: Related publications


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Huston AC. (2015) On "The role of parents in the ontogeny of achievement-related motivation and behavioral choices". Monographs of the Society For Research in Child Development. 80: 152-7
Huston AC, Bobbitt KC, Bentley A. (2015) Time spent in child care: How and why does it affect social development? Developmental Psychology. 51: 621-34
Huston AC. (2015) Thoughts on “Probability Values and Human Values in Evaluating Single-Sex Education” Sex Roles. 72: 446-450
Epps SR, Huston AC, Bobbitt KC. (2013) Developmental changes in impacts of an antipoverty experiment on low-income children's structured out-of-school time. Developmental Psychology. 49: 1763-74
Crosnoe R, Augustine JM, Huston AC. (2012) Children's early child care and their mothers' later involvement with schools. Child Development. 83: 758-72
Holas I, Huston AC. (2012) Are middle schools harmful? The role of transition timing, classroom quality and school characteristics. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 41: 333-45
Huston AC. (2012) How Welfare and Employment Policies Influence Children's Development The Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Child Development
Rhodes H, Huston A. (2012) Building the Workforce Our Youngest Children Deserve and commentaries Social Policy Report. 26: 1-32
Huston AC, Gupta AE, Walker JT, et al. (2011) The long-term effects on children and adolescents of a policy providing work supports for low-income parents. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management : [the Journal of the Association For Public Policy Analysis and Management]. 30: 729-754
McLoyd VC, Kaplan R, Purtell KM, et al. (2011) Assessing the effects of a work-based antipoverty program for parents on youth's future orientation and employment experiences. Child Development. 82: 113-32
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