Letitia A. Peplau

Psychology 0780 University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Social Psychology
"Letitia Peplau"
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Emily A. Impett grad student UCLA
Kim M. Elsesser grad student 2003 UCLA
Adam W. Fingerhut grad student 2007 UCLA
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Ghavami N, Peplau LA. (2017) Urban Middle School Students' Stereotypes at the Intersection of Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, and Gender. Child Development
Lavner JA, Waterman J, Peplau LA. (2014) Parent adjustment over time in gay, lesbian, and heterosexual parent families adopting from foster care. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 84: 46-53
Ghavami N, Peplau LA. (2013) An Intersectional Analysis of Gender and Ethnic Stereotypes: Testing Three Hypotheses Psychology of Women Quarterly. 37: 113-127
Fingerhut AW, Peplau LA. (2013) Same-Sex Romantic Relationships Handbook of Psychology and Sexual Orientation
Preciado MA, Johnson KL, Peplau LA. (2013) The impact of cues of stigma and support on self-perceived sexual orientation among heterosexually identified men and women Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 49: 477-485
Preciado MA, Peplau LA. (2012) Self-perception of Same-sex Sexuality Among Heterosexual Women: Association with Personal Need for Structure Self and Identity. 11: 137-147
Ghavami N, Fingerhut A, Peplau LA, et al. (2011) Testing a model of minority identity achievement, identity affirmation, and psychological well-being among ethnic minority and sexual minority individuals. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 17: 79-88
Conley TD, Peplau LA. (2010) Gender and perceptions of romantic partners' sexual risk. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 7: 794-802
Fingerhut AW, Peplau LA, Gable SL. (2010) Identity, minority stress and psychological well-being among gay men and lesbians Psychology and Sexuality. 1: 101-114
Beals KP, Peplau LA, Gable SL. (2009) Stigma management and well-being: the role of perceived social support, emotional processing, and suppression. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 35: 867-79
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