Jeanette N. Cleveland
Affiliations: | Psychology and Women's Studies | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
Industrial Psychology, Women's Studies, GLBT StudiesGoogle:
"Jeanette Cleveland"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add traineeAmie L. Skattebo | grad student | 2009 | Penn State |
Katina B. Sawyer | grad student | 2012 | Penn State |
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Ospina JH, Cleveland JN, Gibbons AM. (2019) The Relationship of Employment Scarcity and Perceived Threat With Ageist and Sexist Attitudes Work, Aging and Retirement. 5: 215-235 |
Shore LM, Cleveland JN, Sanchez D. (2017) Inclusive workplaces: A review and model Human Resource Management Review. 28: 176-189 |
Hammond M, Cleveland JN, O’Neill JW, et al. (2015) Mediators of transformational leadership and the work-family relationship Journal of Managerial Psychology. 30: 454-469 |
Cleveland JN, Byrne ZS, Cavanagh TM. (2015) The future of HR is RH: Respect for humanity at work Human Resource Management Review. 25: 146-161 |
Sawyer KB, Thoroughgood CN, Cleveland JN. (2015) Challenging heteronormative and gendered assumptions in work-family research: An examination of lgb identity-based work-family conflict Gender and the Work-Family Experience: An Intersection of Two Domains. 77-98 |
Cleveland JN, Fisher GG, Sawyer KB. (2015) Work-life equality: The importance of a level playing field at home Gender and the Work-Family Experience: An Intersection of Two Domains. 177-199 |
Mccarthy J, Heraty N, Cross C, et al. (2014) Who is considered an 'older worker'? Extending our conceptualisation of 'older' from an organisational decision maker perspective Human Resource Management Journal. 24: 374-393 |
McCarthy A, Cleveland JN, Hunter S, et al. (2013) Employee work-life balance outcomes in Ireland: A multilevel investigation of supervisory support and perceived organizational support International Journal of Human Resource Management. 24: 1257-1276 |
Snyder LA, Carmichael JS, Blackwell LV, et al. (2010) Perceptions of discrimination and justice among employees with disabilities Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. 22: 5-19 |
Tziner A, Murphy K, Cleveland JN, et al. (2008) A new old question: Do contextual factors relate to rating behavior: An investigation with peer evaluations International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 16: 59-67 |