Young E. Chang, Ph.D.

2003 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Developmental Psychology, Women's Studies, Individual and Family Studies
"Young Chang"
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Aletha C. Huston grad student 2003 UT Austin
 (Mothers' attitudes toward maternal employment, maternal well -being, maternal sensitivity and children's socioemotional outcomes when mothers engage in different amounts of employment.)
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Chang YE. (2013) The Relation Between Mothers' Attitudes Toward Maternal Employment and Social Competence of 36-Month-Olds: The Roles of Maternal Psychological Well-Being and Sensitivity Journal of Child and Family Studies. 22: 987-999
Chang YE, Huston AC, Crosby DA, et al. (2007) The effects of welfare and employment programs on children's participation in Head Start Economics of Education Review. 26: 17-32
Huston AC, Chang YE, Gennetian L. (2002) Family and individual predictors of child care use by low-income families in different policy contexts Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 17: 441-469
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