Mike Vecchione

Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA, United States 
"Mike Vecchione"
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Roper CFE, Gutierrez A, Vecchione M. (2015) Paralarval octopods of the Florida Current Journal of Natural History. 49: 1281-1304
Judkins H, Arbuckle S, Vecchione M, et al. (2015) Cephalopods in the potential prey field of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) (Cetacea: Physeteridae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico Journal of Natural History. 49: 1267-1280
Cook AB, Sutton TT, Galbraith JK, et al. (2013) Deep-pelagic (0-3000m) fish assemblage structure over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the area of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone Deep-Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 98: 279-291
Sweetman CJ, Sutton TT, Vecchione M, et al. (2013) Distribution of the biomass-dominant pelagic fish, Bathylagus euryops (Argentiniformes: Microstomatidae), along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 78: 16-23
Ramirez-Llodra E, Brandt A, Danovaro R, et al. (2010) Deep, diverse and definitely different: Unique attributes of the world's largest ecosystem Biogeosciences. 7: 2851-2899
Allcock AL, Collins MA, Vecchione M. (2003) A redescription of Graneledone verrucosa (Verrill, 1881) (Octopoda: Octopodidae) Journal of Molluscan Studies. 69: 135-143
Bartol IK, Mann R, Vecchione M. (2002) Distribution of the euryhaline squid Lolliguncula brevis in Chesapeake Bay: Effects of selected abiotic factors Marine Ecology Progress Series. 226: 235-247
Vecchione M, Roper CFE, Widder EA, et al. (2002) In situ observations on three species of large-finned deep-sea squids Bulletin of Marine Science. 71: 893-901
Vecchione M. (2001) Cephalopods of the continental slope east of the United States American Fisheries Society Symposium. 153-160
Sánchez G, Perry HM, Trigg CB, et al. (1996) Morphometry of juvenile and subadult Loligo pealei and L. plei from the northern Gulf of Mexico Fishery Bulletin. 94: 535-550
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