Lea A. Ouimet, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | Psychology | University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada |
Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Lea Ouimet"Mean distance: 16.61 (cluster 40) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorCatherine H. Bielajew | grad student | 2011 | University of Ottawa | |
(A Quantitative Analysis of Cognitive Impairments Following Breast Cancer Treatment.) |
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Lambert M, Ouimet LA, Wan C, et al. (2018) Cancer-related cognitive impairment in breast cancer survivors: An examination of conceptual and statistical cognitive domains using principal component analysis. Oncology Reviews. 12: 371 |
Ouimet LA, Stewart A, Collins B, et al. (2011) Investigation of a neuropsychological screen for chemo-fog Oncology Reviews. 5: 205-213 |
Ouimet LA, Stewart A, Collins B, et al. (2009) Measuring neuropsychological change following breast cancer treatment: an analysis of statistical models. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 31: 73-89 |