Tyler F. Stillman, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | Southern Utah University |
"Tyler Stillman"Mean distance: 18.07 (cluster 8) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add mentorRoy F. Baumeister | grad student | 2004-2009 | Florida State | |
(Guilty, free and wise: Determinism and psychopathy diminish learning from negative emotions.) |
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Hu M, Qiu P, Wan F, et al. (2018) Love or hate, depends on who's saying it: How legitimacy of brand rejection alters brand preferences Journal of Business Research. 90: 164-170 |
Harvell LA, Stillman T, Nisbett GS, et al. (2016) A field investigation of flight anxiety: Evidence of gender differences in consumer behaviors among Las Vegas passengers Journal of Airline and Airport Management. 6: 45 |
Savani K, Mead NL, Stillman T, et al. (2016) No match for money: Even in intimate relationships and collectivistic cultures, reminders of money weaken sociomoral responses Self and Identity. 15: 342-355 |
Alquist JL, Ainsworth SE, Baumeister RF, et al. (2015) The making of might-have-beens: effects of free will belief on counterfactual thinking. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 41: 268-83 |
Lambert NM, Stillman TF, Hicks JA, et al. (2013) To belong is to matter: sense of belonging enhances meaning in life. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 39: 1418-27 |
Gitter SA, Ewell PJ, Guadagno RE, et al. (2013) Virtually justifiable homicide: the effects of prosocial contexts on the link between violent video games, aggression, and prosocial and hostile cognition. Aggressive Behavior. 39: 346-54 |
Lambert NM, Stillman T, Fincham F. (2013) Autobiographical narratives of spiritual experiences: Solitude, tragedy, and the absence of materialism Journal of Positive Psychology. 8: 273-279 |
Stillman TF, Fincham FD, Vohs KD, et al. (2012) The material and immaterial in conflict: Spirituality reduces conspicuous consumption Journal of Economic Psychology. 33: 1-7 |
Lambert NM, Gwinn AM, Fincham FD, et al. (2011) Feeling tired?: How sharing positive experiences can boost vitality International Journal of Wellbeing. 1: 307-314 |
Stillman TF, Lambert NM, Fincham FD, et al. (2011) Meaning as magnetic force: Evidence that meaning in life promotes interpersonal appeal Social Psychological and Personality Science. 2: 13-20 |