Simone Prömel, DPhil
Affiliations: | Clinical Neurology | University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom |
"Simone Prömel"Mean distance: 19.7 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Matúš D, Post WB, Groß VE, et al. (2024) The N terminus-only (trans) function of the Adhesion GPCR Latrophilin-1 controls multiple processes in reproduction of C. elegans. G3 (Bethesda, Md.) |
Reinhardt F, Kaiser A, Prömel S, et al. (2024) Evolution of neuropeptide Y/RFamide-like receptors in nematodes. Heliyon. 10: e34473 |
Matúš D, Post WB, Horn S, et al. (2021) Latrophilin-1 drives neuron morphogenesis and shapes chemo- and mechanosensation-dependent behavior in C. elegans via a trans function. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 589: 152-158 |
Kaczmarek I, Suchý T, Prömel S, et al. (2021) The relevance of adhesion G protein-coupled receptors in metabolic functions. Biological Chemistry |
Morgan RK, Anderson GR, Araç D, et al. (2019) The expanding functional roles and signaling mechanisms of adhesion G protein-coupled receptors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences |
Matúš D, Prömel S. (2018) G Proteins and GPCRs in C. elegans Development: A Story of Mutual Infidelity. Journal of Developmental Biology. 6 |
Scholz N, Guan C, Nieberler M, et al. (2017) Mechano-dependent signaling by Latrophilin/CIRL quenches cAMP in proprioceptive neurons. Elife. 6 |
Prömel S, Fiedler F, Binder C, et al. (2016) Deciphering and modulating G protein signalling in C. elegans using the DREADD technology. Scientific Reports. 6: 28901 |
Winkler J, Prömel S. (2016) The adhesion GPCR latrophilin - a novel signaling cascade in oriented cell division and anterior-posterior polarity. Worm. 5: e1170274 |
Müller A, Winkler J, Fiedler F, et al. (2015) Oriented Cell Division in the C. elegans Embryo Is Coordinated by G-Protein Signaling Dependent on the Adhesion GPCR LAT-1. Plos Genetics. 11: e1005624 |