Patricia B. Barger, Ph.D.

2009 Psychology/Industrial-Organizational Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, United States 
Industrial Psychology
"Patricia Barger"
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Jennifer Z. Gillespie grad student 2009 Bowling Green State University
 (Service without a smile?! Exploring the roles of customer injustice, anger and individual differences in emotional deviance.)
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Fritz C, Yankelevich M, Zarubin A, et al. (2010) Happy, healthy, and productive: the role of detachment from work during nonwork time. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 95: 977-83
Barger PB, Grandey AA. (2006) Service with a smile and encounter satisfaction: Emotional contagion and appraisal mechanisms Academy of Management Journal. 49: 1229-1238
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