Marlone D. Henderson, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2006 | New York University, New York, NY, United States |
Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Management Business AdministrationGoogle:
"Marlone Henderson"Mean distance: 19430.2
Sign in to add mentorYaacov Trope | grad student | 2006 | NYU | |
(Temporal distance, mental construal, and negotiation.) |
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Reeves SL, Henderson MD, Cohen GL, et al. (2020) Psychological affordances help explain where a self-transcendent purpose intervention improves performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
Jung H, Seo E, Han E, et al. (2020) Prosocial modeling: A meta-analytic review and synthesis. Psychological Bulletin |
Namkoong J, Henderson MD. (2019) Responding to Causal Uncertainty Through Abstract Thinking Current Directions in Psychological Science. 28: 547-551 |
Namkoong J, Ro JH, Henderson MD. (2019) Responding to Causal Uncertainty in the Twitterverse: When Abstract Language and Social Prominence Increase Message Engagement Journal of Interactive Marketing. 45: 81-98 |
Namkoong JE, Henderson MD. (2016) Wanting a bird's eye to understand why: Motivated abstraction and causal uncertainty Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 64: 57-71 |
Henderson MD, Burgoon EM. (2014) Why the Door-in-the-Face Technique Can Sometimes Backfire: A Construal-Level Account Social Psychological and Personality Science. 5: 475-483 |
Namkoong JE, Henderson MD. (2014) It's Simple and I Know It!: Abstract Construals Reduce Causal Uncertainty Social Psychological and Personality Science. 5: 352-359 |
Ireland ME, Henderson MD. (2014) Language Style Matching, Engagement, and Impasse in Negotiations Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 7: 1-16 |
Burgoon EM, Henderson MD, Markman AB. (2013) There Are Many Ways to See the Forest for the Trees: A Tour Guide for Abstraction. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 8: 501-20 |
Burgoon EM, Henderson MD, Wakslak CJ. (2013) How do we want others to decide?: Geographical distance influences evaluations of decision makers. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 39: 826-38 |