Jennifer Zodan, Ph.D.

2010 Adelphi University, The Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies 
Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology
"Jennifer Zodan"
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Mark Hilsenroth grad student 2010 Adelphi University, The Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies
 (Rorschach assessment of childhood sexual abuse and Borderline Pathology: A comparison of clinical samples.)
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Slavin-Mulford JM, Amerson LR, Hilsenroth MJ, et al. (2020) Are all narratives the same: Convergent and discriminant validity of the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale-Global Rating Method (SCORS-G) across two narrative types. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Haggerty G, Stein M, Siefert C, et al. (2018) Dimensional measure of self and interpersonal functioning: Comparisons with treatment alliance and readiness for inpatient psychotherapy. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
Slavin-Mulford J, Clements A, Hilsenroth M, et al. (2016) An examination of generalized anxiety disorder and dysthymia utilizing the Rorschach inkblot method. Psychiatry Research. 240: 137-143
Haggerty G, Zodan J, Mehra A, et al. (2016) Reliability and Validity of Prototype Diagnosis for Adolescent Psychopathology. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 204: 287-90
Haggerty G, Siefert CJ, Bornstein RF, et al. (2015) Correlates of interpersonal dependency and detachment in an adolescent inpatient sample. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. 79: 281-304
Haggerty G, Blanchard M, Baity MR, et al. (2015) Clinical validity of a dimensional assessment of self- and interpersonal functioning in adolescent inpatients. Journal of Personality Assessment. 97: 3-12
Haggerty G, Siefert CJ, Sinclair SJ, et al. (2015) Validation of a measure of alliance for an adolescent inpatient setting. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 22: 357-63
Haggerty G, Siefert C, Stoycheva V, et al. (2014) Determining adolescents' suitability for inpatient psychotherapy: utility of the clinician-rated Readiness for Inpatient Psychotherapy Scale with an adolescent inpatient sample. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. 78: 349-72
Haggerty G, Forlenza N, Poland C, et al. (2014) Assessing overall functioning with adolescent inpatients. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 202: 822-8
Zodan J, Hilsenroth MJ, Charnas J, et al. (2014) Rorschach assessment of childhood sexual abuse severity, borderline pathology, and their interaction: An examination of criterion validity Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 6: 318-327
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